Monday, April 16, 2007


Do you ever feel run over? Do you ever feel second class citizen? Do you ever feel left behind? Do you ever feel like there is a conspiracy behind it all?

Don`t worry, I am not selling you anything. I just hate people behaving like they are superior beings, the so called "higher" class, "the cream of the cream" and would do just anything to push other people down, even more when they see that these people have less chances than they do.

If you are not an Esperanto speaking person and even if you are, then I guess there is little chance of you having heard of DEMEXP before (in EN, EO, FR, DE). The name is short for DEMocracy EXPeriment ("DEMokratia EKSperimento" in Esperanto).

It is a project aiming at making voting in any situation really "democratic".

"The democratic experience is a large scale project of direct democracy. It aims at providing the tools to facilitate the expression of all citizens, to transform this expression into decisions, and to apply this decision.
In the democratic experience, each participant can submit a vote subject, propose answers, and vote. All winning answers to the votes are gathered into a database that represents the common position of the group. This common position can be used to drive decisions.
Thus, the democratic experience is a complete and open tool for direct democracy. It can apply to small groups of people (associations, companies) but also to larger groups (countries, the planet!). "
(Taken from

If Demexp would have been accepted, many world`s people that call themselves "important", would not be where they are now.

Just think about it.

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