Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Airport security

Case No. 1
Thanks to "our friends" from the other side of the Atlantic ocean I cannot even take a bottle of ordinary water with me to the airport anymore. As soon as I reach the security check point, the security personnel goes crazy about me having half a litre of water with me. However they try to be human and suggest me to drink it there, in from of them, and then they will throw the empty bottle away.
Fact No. 1: Of course, I am a hamster and I keep the water in the two water tanks just next to the thyroid and then I drink it when I need to. I wonder how come my biology teacher somehow skipped this fact?!
Fact No. 2: I am a billionaire and it will not be a problem for me to pay 2€ for a half a litre bottle of water they are selling at the airport just 5 meters after the security check point.
Resolution: Of course I will pay 2€ for half a litre bottle of water. I did pay (although not being aware of) 4€ for a half a litre bottle of Fanta the other day in Portoroz. Uff, I know, I know. I hope I win the lottery soon; keep fingers crossed;)

Case No. 2
Security check point. I take off the jacket and the belt. I do not wear anything suspicious, even the shoes and the bra have been already pre-checked several times before for "not ringing" at the security check point. I do not have any liquids or food with me this time. I take the laptop from the bag and I even open it for the security personnel on their request. I should "not ring" stepping through "the door". But, I do, I do ring. I ring loudly. Surprise, surprise. I am surprised. I know I do not wear anything suspicious and I tell them that maybe it is the bra or the piercings. Or just my elevated negative energy level towards the security check point, I think to myself. I am requested to stretch my arms and my legs in order to be searched and I follow the order. I am told that I have been selected randomly to be searched. Never in my life I have been searched so thoroughly. The woman touched every single piece of my body. I remain in shock. They found nothing. However I still believe that there was a man behind all this, hiding himself behind the mirror glass pussing the button for so called "random searches" and enjoying the show.


NoKas said...

I also wonder why I do not feel safer now a days... just bored to travel by airplane!


Anonymous said...

ja kaj se pa vozas s avionom ce ves kaj bo .he he
men grejo tud na zivce
braca.lj/ cote d azur

Anonymous said...

So curious how people can complain about airport security...
Agents are just doing what they are told to do. Complains should be sent to relevant aviation administration obviously !
The only period of time when passengers are not complaining about controls ? Just after a crash or discover of a recent aborted plot.
Let be honest there, who created such a stress ?
Last point, when you go to a foreign country, you are the foreigner. In Rome do as the romans do.