Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sunrise and sunset in Brussels

Who says Brussels is ugly, grey and cold?

If my memory does not tricks me and if we do not live in the Matrix world, I have to admit that Brussels has good sides as well. We get some hot days up here as well. Ok, ok, these pictures were taken mid April 2007, however we have had quite many days like these lately. The best thing about this picture is that it was taken from my apartment. Great, no? I have the chance to see sunset everyday. And if I go to the other side of the apartment I can see the sunrise.

One of my next blogs will be listing 10 good things about Brussels. There are good sides as well!

St. Nicholas is baking cookies very often in the morning in Brussels! Sunrise in Brussels! (For decrypted message ask a Slovene!)

Sunset in Brussels!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Little green ...

(Don`t worry, they were not as big as the look like. The bigger was about 7 mm in length.)

This weekend I finally found time to do this amazing experiment to see if there are really little green living inside me.

And here they are, they came out as described in the liver cleansing process. And there were many, these are just the bigger ones I managed to pull out of the toilet. Yes, toilet:) I know, bljak, but I knew that if I would not have provided my own photo no-one would believe me, isn`t it so? But they were swimming on the top, so it was not so difficult ;)

So, what am I exactly talking about. I am talking about liver and gallbladder cleansing. Search on Google for detailed explanation how to do it, why is it good, etc. And if you want to do it and you are not sure, you are free to ask.

I can only say that I feel much better now, better than before and I am sure I will do this soon again.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Job offers

Since I passed the EPSO competition, I got the following offers:

in July

  • DG Research - Directorate A - Interinstitutional and legal matters - Framework Programme

  • Service of the spokesman of the European Commission

  • OLAF - European Anti-Fraud Office

  • Eurostat - Luxembourg - Health and food safety statistics

  • DG Communication - Directorate C - Audiovisual, Web, Communication Tools & EUROPE DIRECT contact centre

  • Joint Research Centre Ispra - Italy - Management Support Unit H.01

  • Joint Research Centre Ispra - Italy - Rural Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit H.05

in August

  • DG Research, Transport and Aeronautics - Unit H.03

  • DG Translation - Luxembourg

  • DG Education and Culture D.01 - Youth unit policy

  • DG Justice, Freedom and Security - Unit D.4 - Financial Support
  • DG Economic and monetary affairs

  • DG Justice, Security and Freedom - Directorate D.3 Fight against terrorism, and access to information

  • DG Justice, Security and Freedom - Directorate D.1 - Internal Security and Criminal Justice

  • DG for Health and Consumers Protection - Unit C.5

The funny this is that before receiving any offer I already knew where I was going, but still it looks like I am on the list of the people available:) Well, anyhow, I will be updating this list. Just for fun:)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Finally an official offer

I just received a pleasant surprise in my mailbox. After long waiting period to receive an official offer for a post within the European Commission and after intervening with the Administration, I received THE offer.

"Dear Ms Turk,

I am pleased to inform you that the Commission has decided to offer you a post . . ."

And so on and so on:)


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lost does finish


The enhabitants of The Island do get saved in the end. It turns out that The Island is a true island and not anything you might have thought it is. However many many questions remain open. I guess Lost - the movie will follow this or next year trying to answer the remained open questions, but I am sure it will just bring us even more open questions and a miserable ending. However, if you are interested in how Lost ends, here you have a piece of it.

Jack and Kate at the airport fence, the night is dark, Jack on the verge of despair, Kate fresh as a rose.
J: We made a mistake.
J: We were not supposed to leave.
K: Yes we were.
K: Bye Jack.
J: We have to go back Kate.
J: We have to go back Kate.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tritons and salamanders internship

I am looking for a biology / ecology / amphibians / tritons and salamanders related Ph.D or internship, fellowship, training, project.

Any information related this is welcome. Thanks in advance!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

We stood up on Triglav

We made it, we stood up the highest mountain of Slovenia on Saturday, 21 July, and Sunday, 22 July 2007. The mountain Triglav is 2864 m above the sea level and it was the highest mountain of Yugoslavia as well in the good old days!

As promised, here are the links to more pictures:)