Monday, December 17, 2007

Slovenian presidency

Let us see what the first half of 2008 will bring us!:)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Nederlandse examen

As always, doing everything else, but studying before the exam. This is with what I will enlighten my Dutch teacher tomorrow.

Betrapte inbrekers op YouTube
Schaarbeek - Bij een man uit Schaarbeek, bij wie was ingebroken, werden de boeven via de computer gefotografeerd. Hij zette de mannen herkenbaar op zijn eigen website en op YouTube. De inbrekers maken daardoor kans te worden vrijgesproken door de rechter.
Op 8 november kreeg André Lovinfosse ongewenst bezoek over de vloer. Inbrekers forceerden de deur van zijn flat in Schaarbeek en stalen zijn laptop, tv, fototoestel en juwelen. Toen de boeven de computerkamer betraden, werden er - zonder dat ze het wisten - foto's van hen gemaakt. Een webcam die beweging kan registreren, nam de foto's en stuurde die op per e-mail. Op de foto's zag Lovinfosse twee inbrekers, van wie het doen en laten uitgebreid gefotografeerd werd. Met de foto's heeft André een filmpje gemaakt, waarop de daders goed te zien zijn. André Lovinfosse heeft de beelden doorgespeeld aan de politie, die één van de daders zou hebben geïdentificeerd. Hij zette de beelden ook op het internet. Hij wil ze er af halen als de inbrekers zichzelf kenbaar maken.
"Die mensen zijn bij mij binnengekomen zonder mijn akkoord, dan mag ik hen ook tonen op mijn website zonder hun akkoord," zegt André Lovinfosse.
Volgens communicatiespecialiste Lieve Desmet mocht Lovinfosse de inbrekers niet op het internet tonen. Hij neemt het recht in eigen handen en schendt de privacy van de daders, zegt ze. Na een klacht mag enkel de onderzoeksrechter de beelden van de inbrekers publiek maken.
Door zijn actie op het internet zou Lovinfosse de inbrekers wel 's troeven in handen kunnen geven als ze voor de rechter komen. "De advocaten van de daders kunnen zeggen dat hij onrechtmatig gebruik heeft gemaakt van die beelden. En dat kan de besluitvorming van het proeces beïnvloeden. een vrijspraak is mogelijk," aldus Desmet.

Article taken from

Almost midnight. Perfect timing for going through the rest of the material for tomorrow:) The funny thing is I have testing to determine my French tomorrow during the day, he he he, and the Dutch test at 6 p.m.:) Ik zal morgen aleen nederlands spreken op het werk. Mijn baas zal gellukig zijn als he van het Nederlands kom.

Just another ordinary day in BXL

People move every day. They commute to work, they leave their homes to go and live somewhere else, on the other side of the globe. Boulot, metro, dodo. A person or more a day leave our lives, but the same number enter. Balance, everything is about balance. I have been told so before I arrived to this marvelous city called Brussels. The locals do not like to mingle with the international community, because they say we will be leaving sooner or later. In a way they are right, however I am still here. Am I just waiting to wake up from this strange dream? Here are some moments from one of the spontaneous lunch developed into farewell party for a soul that just left us for the sunny, green and calm south France. However, hope never dies, right?!

In this collage: Samir, the friend of an evening story teller, half Algerian, half French; Rita, south Italian; Vlado, true Serbian; Jennifer, a local; Liam, another local; Gergana, imported Bulgarian; Angelo, north Italian; another Italian, this one from Sicily; candles from the flea market somewhere from Paris, bananas from Costa Rica, barbapapa from local store, pictures of mountains in the back from Slovenia, the hanging thing on the fridge from India, the white sheep a products made by Portuguese and British, T-shirt from HospitalityClub mtg in Warsaw, PL...what else can I say...globalisation, we love you:)

Bruxelles, je t`aime

Can that be? Most probably only during December due to all the Christmas lights and the fact that people do not take dogs much out as the city is packed with people (read as: less dogshit on the streets as dogs have nowhere to shit as there are too many people all around).
Need an umbrella? Take one. Nobody needs an umbrella in Brussels as the winds blow too strong:) Not to mention the fact that Belgium is the country where everything is possible. Just about anything...
Everybody knows that highways in Belgium are illuminated. So are the streets. They just produce too much electricity and they do not want to sell it to the neighbouring countries, so they might just spend it. If only electricity would be cheaper for the inhabitants of Brussels. Not to mention that I still did not received a bill for heating and electricity since April. I should move into another apartment soon and definitely before the bill reaches me:)
One of the views that not every Bruxellois knows about. After having more or less 100 guests over in these more than two years, this is one of my favourite places. The top of P58
The view from the big white wheel from the picture above. The St Catherine square. Most of the shops offer food and drinks. Don`t feel surprised why people in Belgium get fat and why they do not consider my lovely celery and ginger juice as food:) he he he

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just reading

590 pages of information telling us why it does matter what we eat, which products we use and the way we live! How to remove liver stones without operation, how to detoxify our bodies, the truth about the toothpastes and much more! Those interested will definitely get this book for themselves, the rest will just have to wait that I go through it and write down my favourite findings:)

P.S.: Picture was taken from website.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

My breakfast

Celery, carrots, apple an ginger.

In the beginning it looks like this, but when I put it through juicer, it looks like this. mmm